Your startup needs to deliver real value to your audience, and you need have a good understanding of what drives them to work with you. We see too many entrepreneurs with the “build and they will come” mindset, and we’ll make sure that
you’re not one of them. You can learn from our mistakes, so that you can become better entrepreneurs than us. We’ll teach you to ask better questions, so that you can go further than us, and you’ll leverage our resources and network.
Our mistakes can be your never-ending source of inspiration to ask better questions, solve better problems and build better solutions…
We know what it’s like to be drunk on our own idea and what it feels like to be in the confirmation bias bubble. We’ll challenge your key assumptions and make sure that
you are asking yourself and your target clients some fundamental questions. We’ve been lucky to have mentors around us in the past who done the same for us.
We will take a deep dive into the problem are you solving, to understand the value you are bringing to your target audience.
We will go through all of the building blocks that go into a comprehensive business plan and challenge all of your assumptions.
From people to processes, our objective is to make your operations and hiring plan as efficient and scalable as possible.
With our partners at TheBrand.Click, we will go through all your marketing, communication and branding, and provide recommendations.
We will make sure that you have found product-market fit, and that you have the people, tools, and processes in place to grow.
Growing and scaling can and must be planned, and we will help you put the strategies and resources in place, based on different scenarios